Are All Terrain® products cruelty-free?

All Terrain® products are cruelty-free. We see animals as part of our family, treat them like one and test our products on volunteers, family/friends and ourselves. We do not market any products that we do not try and like. All Terrain® is listed on PETA among cruelty-free companies. click here to see..

Are All Terrain® products vegan?

All Terrain® does not claim that its products are vegan, however All Terrain’s products don’t contain animal derived ingredients.

Are All Terrain® products recyclable?

We love our planet and use recyclable materials for our products to help leave a better planet for our kids.

Are All Terrain® products safe for pregnant or nursing moms?

All Terrain® products use natural ingredients and to the best of our knowledge, they are not harmful to pregnant or nursing moms. However, we recommend pregnant or nursing moms to check with their doctor first just in case if there is any specific concerns/allergies regarding the ingredients used. We always recommend using the product on a small area of your skin, like your arm, to see how your skin will react before full use. We offer 100% customer satisfaction guarantee and would be happy to refund your money if the product doesn’t work for you.

Are All Terrain® Products made in USA?

All Terrain® Products are made in USA with domestic and imported ingredients except some of our bandages are from a different country.

Are All Terrain® products safe for children?

Yes, families love All Terrain products! All Terrain’s skin care products are safe to use for children and babies older than six months.

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